OHL provides a variety of therapeutic services to help individuals struggling with substance use disorders and addiction. These include individual or group counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, 12-step programs, and other activities. We also offer relapse prevention and aftercare services to help individuals maintain sobriety and transition back into their daily lives.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Residential Services
Primary & Behavioral Healthcare Services
Outreach, Prevention and Intervention Services
Housing Services
Medically Supported Detox
Services Available in New Orleans
OHL's Medically Supported Detox program serves individuals 18+ and utilizes basic oral medications to treat symptoms of withdrawal. The facility is appropriate for people who have chronically abused many types of substances, especially opiate pain pills, prescribed anxiety and muscle relaxing medications, alcohol, and heroin.
Detox treatment typically lasts 5 – 7 days. To ensure a safe medically supported detox, 24-hour on-site medical staff is present to assist with a comfortable detox. OHL's detox team is comprised of physicians, nurses and counselors who are trained to care for clients during detoxification.
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Short Term Adult Residential
Services Available in New Orleans, Lake Charles, & Bayou Vista
OHL’s Short-Term Residential Inpatient Program serves individuals 18+ in an approximately 28-day residential drug rehabilitation program, which intensively focuses on the most basic aspects of drug rehab treatment, such as abstinence from drug abuse, life skills building, and recovery tools.
Through the program, individuals and their families learn to replace destructive behaviors with constructive communication and living skills. The benefits of such changes – such as improved self-esteem, constructive expression, positive relationships, and enhanced coping and living skills – ultimately lead to recovery and reintegration of the individual into their community.

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Transitions Program
Outpatient with Housing
Services Available in New Orleans
OHL offers a Transitions Program where residents live on-site at the residential facility while in treatment for 3 to 6 months.
While in the program, clients are able to reside in a safe and sober living environment while developing life skills that enable them to gain employment and a strong support system.
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Community Health Center (CHC)
Services Available in New Orleans
Odyssey House Community Health Center is a patient centered medical home providing primary care that is patient-centered, comprehensive, team-based, coordinated, accessible, and focused on quality and safety.
It is the mission of the Odyssey House Community Health Center to provide comprehensive primary care services to low-income, high-risk, and underserved individuals regardless of ability to pay. With a focus on integrated physical, behavioral, and dietary healthcare, including wraparound substance abuse treatment and HIV/AIDS services, the Odyssey House Community Health Center offers compassionate care in efforts to improve quality healthcare within the communities we serve.
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340B Pharmacy
Services Available in New Orleans
The OHL 340B Pharmacy provides medications at deeply discounted for patients of our Community Health Center. Additionally, if a community client cannot wait for their medications, medications will be delivered to their residence for free.
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Housing Programs
OHL’s Housing Programs focus on moving individuals to stable, secure housing, and keeping these individuals housed and engaged in case management. Through OHL's Community Supportive Services program, OHL provides housing and supportive services to chronically homeless individuals (as referred by UNITY of Greater New Orleans). OHL also operates a Sober Living Housing for graduates of its residential inpatient programs.

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Services Available in New Orleans
Services Available in New Orleans
OHL’s prevention and outreach department, known as iPrevent, focuses on education, intervention and access to services. Activities include educational interventions, distributing condoms and safer sex information, harm reduction and overdose/naloxone administration trainings, testing for Hepatitis C and HIV, and making referrals to supportive services.Through interactive platforms like podcasts, social media, health centers, and community events, we aim to educate, equip, and empower our community.

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Sobering Center
Services Available in New Orleans
The Sobering Center is a 25-bed facility to receive individuals identified as publicly intoxicated in Orleans Parish. Intoxicated individuals would stay at the facility while they sober up, under the care of trained staff. The Sobering Center will welcome and care for anyone so deemed publicly intoxicated.
The Sobering Center addresses public safety for both inebriated clients and the general population. Rather than remaining on the streets, vulnerable individuals are removed from harm’s way or an escalating situation and brought to a safe, secure environment until they are able to make more conscious choices. The Sobering Center is a more appropriate destination than jails or emergency rooms, as clients will be monitored for specific cues, recover from immediate acute alcohol impairment, and have a “warm handoff” into medically supported detox or additional services if appropriate.

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Drug Court
Services Available in Bayou Vista
This program is an intensive outpatient program dedicated to treating defendants referred by the 16th Judicial District. This program consists of judicially supervised court dockets that provide a sentencing alternative of treatment combined with supervision to help individuals into long-term recovery.

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Women with Children
Claire House
Services Available in Bayou Vista
OHL-Claire House is a residential program for women and their children. There are 12 beds for women, and their dependent children (age birth to 12) can come to treatment with them. Utilizing individual, group and family counseling, as well as exercise, recreational activity, 12-step self-help groups and a structured, disciplined environment, the women and children will receive state-of -the-art care to restructure their lives and live successfully, drug free. The children’s program will facilitate cognitive, social emotional and physical learning by utilizing developmentally appropriate practices.
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Low Barrier Shelter
Services Available in New Orleans
OHL's Low Barrier Shelter in New Orleans offers immediate, no-cost housing for individuals experiencing homelessness. Our shelter removes common barriers, providing a safe place to sleep and basic amenities without requiring extensive documentation or sobriety.
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