Success Stories
Recovery is real! Read through our success stories.


"I could say one thing, Odyssey House changed my life. Odyssey house saved my life. I thank God for it, because I don't know where I would be at today." Learn more about his story here.

"Odyssey House provided me the tools to help me understand my addiction and how to overcome it. While in groups you are encouraged to share honestly so that you can free yourself from the pain you have inside. You must consistently work on yourself and be “gut level honest” on what has happened to you in your life. Odyssey House LA is a unique recovery program with so many staff members who are there to passionately help you recover."

"Odyssey House was the right place at the right time for me—I realized I needed to get my life together, and OHL helped me make that change. I’ve learned that ‘nothing changes if nothing changes,’ and you have to be ready for the progress to work. I’m grateful for the steps OHL takes to help me transition to life after recovery. Now, working here myself, I know that if I can reach just one person, that’s a success."